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Message From President

President’s message 


I'd like to introduce myself.  My name is Pierre Lamy and I’m the newly elected president of your local, PSAC Local 70125.

I'm very happy to have been given the opportunity to work with your new executive to represent you to the employer and to the Union of National Employees (UNE).

The first of my two main priorities are to reconnect with our membership.  With the help of the executive, I'm going to do all I can to bring timely and relevant information to you .

My second priority is to work with our sister local, Local 70044, to explore electronic voting options.  You may know that over 25% of our members are either posted abroad, on travel status or, for reasons out of their control, can't regularly attend meetings.  UNE policies do not permit proxy voting so the only way to have your voice heard is vote at a meeting.  I would like to find secure cost effective electronic voting options to present to you.

I hope you'll come back again to our 70125.ca web site to find out the latest Union news and find out what your local is doing for you.


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