The protection of safety and health on the job is a mojor concern to workers. Some very important standards and procedures have been legislated in Part II of the Canada Labour Code to ensure that workers have safe and healthy conditions in their workplaces. Part II of the Canada Labour Code gives workers in federal jurisdictions three basic rights. They are:
The right to know about hazards in the work-place that culd affect their safety and health and to be provdied with the information, instruction, training and supervision necessary to protect their safety and health.
The right to participate in identifying and correcting job-related safety and health problems as safety and health committee members or representatives in their workplaces.
The right to refuse dangerous work when the workers have reasonable cause to believe that:
- there is a condition at work that is a danger to himself or herself; or
- the use of a machine or thing at work presents a danger to himself\herself or a co-worker
Other Committee
Education – Training – Communications - Youth
Not set up. – If you are interested in participating in one of these committees please contact one of the executive. |